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10 Ways For Students To Make Money At University

  • February 23, 2024
  • By admin

Navigating university life comes with its fair share of challenges, not least of which is managing finances. 

According to the British Council, students can expect to pay  £1300-£1400 per month in London or £900-£1300 in the rest of the UK to cover their living costs.

However, finding ways to make some extra money can significantly ease the financial burden. 

Here are ten practical ways for students to boost their income while pursuing their studies.

1. Exploring Free Money Making Sites 

The digital age offers a number of opportunities for students to earn money online without any initial investment. Free money-making sites for students are a great starting point. 

These platforms can range from survey sites and freelance job boards to content creation platforms that pay for your input or creativity. The key is to find reputable sites that match your skills and interests, such as Upwork for freelancers, Survey Junkie for survey enthusiasts, or YouTube for content creators.

2. Tutoring

If you excel in a particular subject, tutoring can be a lucrative way to make money. You can offer your tutoring services to fellow students, local high schoolers, or even online through platforms like

 Setting your own hours makes this a flexible option that can fit around your academic schedule.

3. Part-time Jobs on Campus

Many universities offer part-time jobs to students within various departments, such as the library, administrative offices, or student unions. These roles not only provide a steady income but can also be a great way to get involved with your university community.

4. Internships

While some internships are unpaid, many are compensated and can offer valuable work experience in your field of study. Paid internships are a win-win; you gain industry experience while earning money. Keep an eye on your university’s career center listings or industry-specific job boards.

5. Selling Notes and Study Guides

If you’re diligent with your study notes, you can turn them into cash. Platforms like Stuvia and Nexus Notes allow students to sell their lecture notes and study guides to others looking for academic help.

6. Participating in Research Studies

Universities often conduct research studies that require human participants. These can range from psychology experiments to medical trials, many of which compensate participants. Check your university’s bulletin boards or websites for opportunities.

7. Freelancing

With skills in writing, graphic design, programming, or social media management, you can find freelance work that pays. Websites like Fiverr and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients for short-term projects, allowing you to work from anywhere on your own schedule.

8. Decluttering and Selling Unwanted Items

A simple and effective way to make money is by selling items you no longer need. Declutter your living space and sell your goods on platforms like eBay, Depop, or Facebook Marketplace. Not only will you earn some cash, but you’ll also be simplifying your life.

9. Babysitting or Pet Sitting

For those who enjoy working with children or animals, babysitting or pet sitting can be a great way to make money. Websites like Sittercity or Rover can help you find babysitting or pet-sitting jobs in your area. This option offers the flexibility to work according to your academic schedule.

10. Creating an Online Business

If you have a business idea or a passion project, university can be a great time to explore this venture. 

Whether it’s launching an online store, starting a blog, or developing an app, the digital world offers endless possibilities for entrepreneurial students. Resources are often available at universities to support student startups, from mentorship programs to funding opportunities.

Making money while at university requires a blend of creativity, initiative, and the willingness to explore new opportunities. By leveraging your skills, interests, and the resources available to you, you can find ways to support yourself financially through your university journey. Whether it’s through free money making sites for students, tutoring, or starting your own business, the key is to start small and grow your efforts over time. This not only helps alleviate financial stress but also builds valuable experience and skills that can benefit you long after graduation.

By admin, February 23, 2024
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