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5 Risks of Making a DIY Website

  • November 20, 2023
  • By admin

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5 Risks of Making a DIY Website

Are you thinking of creating your website to boost your business? It’s a good idea since a website can boost your online presence and have more people look into what your business offers and provides. Luckily, making your website has never been so easy with a lot of software to help you make DIY websites like WordPress. 

With enough practice, you can have your very own website that you can use for your business. However, you should take note that DIY websites have inherent risks. For example, how can you ensure your website won’t crash? Is it compatible with mobile devices? With all that said, here are some risks you should note when making a DIY website.

Unsecure Website

Low security is perhaps one of the biggest risks of getting a custom-built website. And it’s even a bigger threat in DIY websites. Most people don’t realize that keeping your website safe and secure means you have to be up-to-date with software. 

This means you will keep an eye out for the newest software updates. But why do they keep updating security software anyway? Hackers tend to find loopholes in security software, so software companies update them constantly to shake these hackers off.

Of course, with all that time looking out for new software updates, you will have less time for your business. Remember, you’re a business owner and not a website developer. The best decision you can come up with in this situation is to look for professional help.

Slower Time to Market

The sooner you get your website up and running, the sooner it will positively impact your business. If your website launch time is going to be bottlenecked because of how little your know-how is on website development, who knows how much time, money, and effort you will be wasting?

That said, a professional website developer can finish your website on time with full functionality. The cost of a website developer may be steep, but their ability to create a fully functioning website with all of your specifications is more than enough for the price.

Botching Your SEO

Sure, WordPress has many features for SEO, but if you want your website to be more efficient, you need to do a lot of work. And, of course, when optimizing your website for SEO, there are a lot of pitfalls you might want to look out for, especially if you’re not a professional website developer.

One of the most common mistakes is forgetting to uncheck search engine visibility. If you forget to uncheck that box, search engines will not index your website. That means that your website won’t be showing up in search sites. And take note: this is just one of the many mistakes you can make in SEO when you make a DIY website.

Slow Loading Times

When building a new website, your primary concern would be to pump in as much content as possible since you want to showcase what your business is all about. Performance is often at the back end of your priority list. 

Perhaps the second in your priority list, however, is the design. You want the website’s aesthetic to match what your business can do. However, with all these content and design choices, sometimes, it can make your website load slower. There are a lot of reasons for this.

For example, using oversized images. Oversize images is one of the most common culprits as to why your website is slow to load. But images are only one of the problems you’ll need to deal with when your website has slow loading speeds. Many other sneaky things on your website are affecting your website’s loading speeds, so unless you get a professional to help, you won’t solve these problems ASAP.

Irregular Maintenance

As mentioned earlier, you’re a business owner, not a website developer. This means that your time should be spent on running your business firsthand, like talking to customers and clients, making sure employees are paid well, etc. That said, if you have a DIY website, you’ll need to spend a lot of time maintaining it, such as checking if things are in order, the security is up to date, the links are working, etc.

All of these take a considerable amount of time. That said, to avoid juggling your time between handling your business and maintaining your website, you might want to hire a website developer for your company. This way, they can handle the website while you handle the business.

Final Words

While making a DIY website has never been easier with the help of software like WordPress, that doesn’t mean everything will be up and running perfectly. There will always be risks unless you hire a website developer. So, if you want to have a beautiful and functioning website, you should hire one for your company.

By admin, November 20, 2023
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