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Can I Still Buy Life Insurance If I Have High Blood Pressure?

  • September 4, 2022
  • By admin

Suppose you are shopping around for life insurance. In that case, you might be concerned about underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure that could affect your insurance premiums or cause you to be denied altogether for life insurance. However, high blood pressure is a very common medical condition, and although the premium could increase a little bit, it will not affect your policy very much.

The most significant factors in getting life insurance with high blood pressure are how long you have been diagnosed with it and whether you are doing anything to keep it under control. If you have had high blood pressure for a long time, or have never seen a doctor for it, then you will likely pay higher premiums. However, if you manage your high blood pressure through medication, diet, and exercise, then you will still probably qualify for similar rates as someone without high blood pressure.

It is rare for someone to be denied life insurance altogether based on high blood pressure. You are more likely to be rejected if there are other factors involved, such as a high BMI (Body Mass Index), high cholesterol, or heart disease. If this is the case, you can get around it by applying for an insurance policy that doesn’t require a medical history, but you will end up paying more for less coverage.

What Factors Do Life Insurance Companies Look At?

Life insurance premiums are based on the insurer’s likelihood of paying out on the policy. High blood pressure can be a risk factor because it can lead to other health problems such as heart attack or stroke. Generally, a person can qualify for life insurance with high blood pressure as long as they follow their physician’s advice.

For our growing UK audience leading life insurance broker have created this informative guide on securing life insurance with high blood pressure.

The process of getting life insurance with high blood pressure will vary between companies, but in general, they will get data about your health from a few different sources:

  • Physician reports – Your doctor will send a report about your blood pressure and any other health conditions
  • Life insurance medical exam – This exam will consist of height and weight, blood pressure, blood and urine sample, and questions about your health and family history
  • If applicable, the company can also request access to hospital records and prescription records

On the application or at the medical exam, you will be asked various questions about your health history, and if high blood pressure is an issue, then several will focus on that. They could include the following:

  • What was your most recent blood pressure reading?
  • When were you first diagnosed with high blood pressure?
  • How often do you see your doctor?
  • Do you take medication for high blood pressure? If so, what is the type and dosage?
  • Do you manage your blood pressure in other ways?
  • Has the underlying cause of your high blood pressure been found?

If your doctor has prescribed hypertension medication for your high blood pressure, it could be that you can qualify for lower rates, so you don’t need to worry too much about your rates skyrocketing.

How to Naturally Manage High Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure, it is essential that you take steps to control or lower it, both to reduce your life insurance premiums and for the sake of your own health. You can speak to your doctor about medications for high blood pressure and combine those with a few simple lifestyle changes.

The easiest way to naturally manage your blood pressure is to limit your sodium intake to no more than 2000 mg daily. This will mean eating less salty foods like chips, French fries, and deli meat. Be sure to check labels because some foods sneak in a large amount of sodium. You can also increase your potassium intake by eating more bananas, salmon, and avocado. Limiting your alcohol consumption can also help your high blood pressure.

Lifestyle changes like exercise and quitting smoking are good practices for maintaining healthy blood pressure. With a bit of work and some help from medication, if necessary, you can maintain and even lower your blood pressure to healthy levels.

If you have high blood pressure, do not fret. It is absolutely possible to get life insurance with high blood pressure, and your rates will barely change as long as you manage it with medication, diet, and exercise. If high blood pressure has been holding you back from applying for life insurance, don’t wait any longer – start your application today and compare options to find the policy that best fits your needs and budget.

By admin, September 4, 2022
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