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How To Make $200 Per Day With A Blog Explained Using Math

  • November 5, 2018
  • By Saved by the Cents
How To Make $200 Per Day With A Blog Explained Using Math

So you want to know how to make $200 per day blogging?

Great, this is a good even number to start off with. Keep in mind this number can be scaled up or down. How to make $200 per day with a blog explained using math.

If you’re looking to start your own blogclick here for our How-to article.

Unless you have your own products sell online, the best way to generate this income is through affiliate links that are relevant to the content you are providing. There are tons of affiliate programs out there, do a quick google search of “your niche affiliate programs” and you should be on your way. Be sure to do your own research and check online reviews before selecting a company to be your affiliate.

Now Let’s Use Math to Figure Out How to Get to Our Goal of $200 Per Day.

The best way to figure this out is to work the numbers backwards starting at the end goal. Some terminology to know beforehand: Unique Visitors, CTR – Click Thru Rate and CR – Conversion Rate.

  • Unique Visitors – refers to the number of distinct individuals requesting pages from the website during a given period, regardless of how often they visit. Visits refer to the number of times a site is visited, no matter how many visitors make up those visits.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) – is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total unique visitors. It is commonly used to measure the success of an online advertising campaign for a particular website as well as the effectiveness of email campaigns.
  • Conversion Rate (CR) – is the percentage of users who take a desired action. An example of conversion rate is the percentage of unique visitors who buy something.

In our math formula we are not so concerned with click thru rate as we are with conversion rate. But they both hold weight here. Conversions are what counts in making sales that will get us to our goal of $200 for the day.

Traffic is the most important part of this equation.

Because without traffic we won’t have any CTR or CR! Average affiliate click-through rates across all niches are around 1-5%. Depending on your ad copy and placement in your blog it could be higher or lower. Let’s use 4% for this example. So for every 100 unique visitors on your blog, 4 will click through to your affiliates website.

Average affiliate conversion rates can range from less than 1% all the way up to 30%. It really depends on so many factors including the ad copy, offer, website quality, reader trust and product need. For our example let’s just use 5%, this is a good conservative number. For every 100 unique visitors that have clicked thru to your affiliates page, 5 will buy.

If our blog post is generating 1000 unique visitors per day, then 4% or 40 people will click-through to our affiliates page and 5% of them will buy or 2 people (sales). Make sense?

A Common Misconception Among New Bloggers.

Is that the conversion rate is unique traffic on their blog site divided by affiliate sales. What they’re forgetting is the click-through traffic to the affiliates page. A 5% conversion using this misguided theory would compute to 1000 * 5% = 50 sales per day. That would be great to drive 50 sales with only 1000 unique visitors to your blog!

If you’re getting those results please let us know how and what you’re selling in the comments section.

Now let’s work this backwards.

First we need to know a few more things, such as payout per affiliate sale. Let’s use $50 per sale. We would need to make 4 sales per day to achieve $200 per day. You can easily adjust this whether your specific payout is higher or lower. Using the formula above, let’s see how this plays out.

$200 = 4 conversions* $50 each

4 conversions @ 5% CR = 80 Click thrus

80 click-throughs to affiliate site @ 4% = 2000 unique blog visitors for the day

2000 * 4% = 80 * 5% = 4 * 50 = 200

As a new affiliate blogger these numbers may be shocking to you. Well, it’s the truth. We aren’t sugar coating here like some online marketing courses do with ridiculous numbers shown just to get you to buy their course. Only to find out the real numbers later on after you have forked over your hard earned cash for their course.

There’s good news and bad news here.

Do you want the good news first? The good news is getting this amount of (free) traffic is easily attainable with organic results (SEO) over time. It may take several months or years to get to this point, it really depends how good your content is and how good you are at SEO for ranking high on search results of Google and Bing.

The bad news. The bad news is for most affiliate programs you cannot leverage CPC (Cost Per Click) ads at a profit. You see affiliate programs are not stupid, if they could just do a Google ad campaign or Facebook ads campaign and achieve their result of $50 per customer acquisition or less. well, then they would just do that instead of paying affiliates.

But these companies are smart.

They want your traffic! It’s most likely to be in all cases cheaper for them to pay you per result rather than doing ad campaigns themselves. You will notice once you dive deeper into the rabbit hole that the cost per click on an ad campaign will drive a cost per customer acquisition higher than your net sale from the affiliate program. Usually this number is much higher, almost embarrassingly higher.

For example; if you want to make $200 per day right away with no organic (free) traffic to your new blog. Well, then you could do a Google ad campaign or Facebook ad campaign and get great targeted results with good CTR and good CR. But if it costs you $200 or more to drive those 2000 unique visitors to your page netting you those 4 conversions, well then you lost money.

Some will argue LTV (lifetime value). But in this scenario we are trying to make $200 per day with affiliate links, not build LTV for our brand.

Use Googles Keyword Planner to figure out the cost per click for your blog niche and/or blog post which contains affiliate links. Then do the math using conservative metrics such as in the example above. If the number drive a profit or even a slightly above break even, then by all means go ahead. A warning however, start small and slowly build your way up after you have more data to insure you are not losing money on CPC ads.

Getting a higher CTR and CR.

A good marketer will always do what they can to hide the salesman. No one wants to be sold something especially online by some random blog post. They want your expertise to help them solve a problem. And in most cases a loyal reader will be happy to support you if you have provided real value and helped them truly solve a problem.

The best way to hide the salesman is to incorporate your affiliate links into the text body of your blog articles. If your fitness blog for example talks about the best weight lifting shoes to wear, then use an affiliate hyper link to those shoes in the text of your article anytime it mentions “shoes”. You can also have a call to action somewhere in your article to buy these particular set of shoes with your affiliate text link.

When you’re creating your affiliate hyper links in the body of your text, you should always using a cloaking plugin. A cloaking plugin (wordpress) will show the link goes to a sub page of your website instead of your affiliates website when the reader hovers over it. It will then redirect them to the affiliates website.

The plugin will also track how many click-throughs. This can be useful to not only drive more clicks by hiding the URL but also to compare the CTR data you have to the CTR data your affiliate programs reporting.

Quality Traffic + Good Content + Trust = Conversions.

If your traffic isn’t targeted traffic you will not make many conversions. If your content looks like it was written by a 5 year old, you will not make many conversions. And if no one trusts your blog or you, well, you will not make many conversions.

With all of this said, one can believe that with a lot of time, effort, good content, reader trust and high ranking organic search results, a blog can easily make $200 or more per day, every day with affiliate links. Some blogs have even amassed so much traffic they’re making into the 6 figures monthly, yes monthly.

A goal we can all strive for.

If you would like to learn more about how to start your very own blog, please read our article How To Start A Blog In 5 Easy Steps in 2022.



By Saved by the Cents, November 5, 2018
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