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What to Do with Old College Textbooks Lying Around

  • February 3, 2022
  • By Saved by the Cents

If you were asked to list your major educational expenses, textbooks would likely come to your mind right away. 

Unfortunately, they are incredibly costly. When you finish each semester, your heavy book fills in the small space of your apartment and leaves no room to swing a cat around. It gets even more challenging when you complete your college education: 

You should relocate to your new apartment off-campus or look for apartments for rent in Longwood. You still have all of your old college textbooks, and you’re not sure what to do with them. What should you do with these heavy and unwanted college books? 

There may be nothing wrong with the books, but let’s be honest: they take up a lot of valuable shelf real estate. 

Furthermore, they are typically quite heavy. When you’re living in a confined space, you’ll take advantage of any spare room that you can find to maximize your comfort. If you aren’t planning on keeping them, there are a couple of options available for you to choose from.

1. Sell your textbooks

The most straightforward answer for dealing with old college textbooks lying around is just selling them. There are several ways of selling old textbooks, including your university campus, bookshops or online platforms. 

Selling your textbooks on Amazon used to be easier, but now because of the stiff competition, you will be able to sell your books for only a penny. But, websites such as make selling books easier and more comfortable than before. BookDeal offers a number of options and features to sell your books quickly. 

Sites such as BookDeal make comparing buyback costs simple, ensuring that you do not receive less money than you spent on the textbook. In addition, this website offers good customer service and is a perfect site to sell old books online, which makes it a great place to start. 

Enter the book’s information and then sit back and wait for it to sell to make extra money. Selling textbooks online saves you both time and money because it eliminates the need to visit merchants or campus sites in order to sell your previously owned books.

Please remember that the value of your textbooks is dependent on many factors, all of which must be taken into consideration. Consider when is the best time to sell textbooks and how to properly care for your books so that they are in excellent shape when you are ready to sell.

2. Recycle your old college textbooks

What could be better than being environmentally sustainable and giving the old unwanted books a new life? If your books aren’t of interest to a local library or bookshop, you can donate them to a recycling center in your area instead. There are drop-off locations across the city strictly for paper products alone. If your books have hardcovers, you can still place them in these paper depositories, where they will be recycled and made into pulp. When you have them recycled, they can enjoy a second life as a brand new hardcover book.

Make sure to research the recycling policies in your community. Books are made up of various components due to their binding and adhesive, and hence the recycling procedure is distinct. If you cannot recycle them alongside other paper recyclables, you may be able to drop them off at your local recycling center as an alternative. For example, hardcovers must be separated from paperbacks before they may be recycled, whereas paperbacks can be recycled as-is. Books with moldy pages cannot be recycled; instead, they must be thrown away immediately to prevent the mold from spreading to further books.

The practice of recycling books is entirely acceptable if they cannot be reused or given new life in another way.

3. Donate your old college books

Everyone knows that there will always be somebody who needs the book you once had. Therefore, consider donating your books to a charitable organization, regardless of their condition. As a matter of fact, a number of organizations make it simple to donate outdated textbooks, and they cater to a diverse range of communities and organizations. One of the best things about donating textbooks is that you can choose an organization that has importance to you while also knowing that your books will be used for a worthwhile cause. Here are some excellent locations where you can do so. 

Firstly, university and campus libraries are an excellent way to start. There is no denying the importance of libraries in a community. People of all backgrounds can gain knowledge and improve their literacy in a welcoming and supportive environment. To help your local library expand its collection or raise money for various projects, you can donate your used textbooks.

Secondly, did you know you can donate used books to the Salvation Army? These donations go to Salvation Army Family Stores, and the funds raised help support the organization’s many excellent programs. You can visit their website to find drop-off locations or schedule a free pick-up for your used books.

4. Trade your old college textbooks

If there is one thing that has never been negative about a barter system, it is the fact that textbooks are included in that category. The chances that you have a book that someone else needs and that they have a book that you need are both very high. You haven’t found each other yet; it’s just a matter of time.

There are a few different ways to find each other now that the internet is available. Choose between the reasonably straightforward way of using social media marketplaces and crossing your fingers and hoping against hope that the person who owns the book you’re looking for will be there, or opt for a more specialized route.

Organizing a book swap at a local coffee shop, supermarket, or community center is another simple way to repurpose outdated college textbooks and save money. This can be a pleasant way to pass along your textbooks to someone who might benefit from them, as well as an opportunity to discover a new favorite book for yourself. 

Other students from your school or in your neighborhood can be found and met through the usage of social media sites. Consider forming a book swap group where you can all share information about the books you’re looking for and the books you’re willing to give away to others.

By Saved by the Cents, February 3, 2022
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